Packham Triumph, Beurre Bosc, Williams Bon Chretien (Bartlett), Winter Cole, Josephine
Shaped with a rounded base and narrowing neck with stalk. Shiny, freckly skin slightly rough with white juicy fleshand Yellowish in colour when ripe. Russeting may occur on the skin (brown speckles). In our centre is a core which encloses seeds.
Choose fairly firm fruit that is unblemished.Handle gently as pears can bruise easily even when not fully ripe.
Firm unripe fruit can be kept at room temperature where it will change from hard green with little flavour, to ripe yellow, which will be full of juice and flavour.
When full ripeness is achieved rapid deterioration takes place. Ripen at room temperature for 3-5 days. When ripe store in the refrigerator. Use as soon as possible.
An excellent source of vitamin C and a very good source of dietary fibre.